How Twitter Can Help Your Business

Posted: Monday May 16th

Many larger companies are using Twitter today as another effective tool in their marketing strategy. But it’s not just big businesses that can benefit from this social networking giant. Even small to medium businesses are beginning to see the value of having a Twitter account. According to a recent, official Twitter blog, just under 14 million new users are creating new Twitter accounts every month. That’s around 460,000 new users every day. Twitter has quickly become more than just a platform for individuals to broadcast their daily thoughts; it’s now a legitimate networking and marketing tool for the shrewd entrepreneur.

There are numerous ways in which Twitter can help your business. One of the most important aspects of this social networking site is its ability to instantly humanize your business. Company websites can lack the capacity to immediately relate to customers on a personal level. Twitter, on the other hand, enables customers and employees to have direct contact with you and each other in a more informal setting. Offering employees a way of communicating in a more relaxed environment can also lead to a more creative and cohesive team.

With a platform like Twitter, you can also quickly and easily post news updates about your company, broadcast your latest promotions, and keep customers and business associates fully informed about any aspect of your company. Essentially, it’s an excellent space for press releases. By spreading information and ideas to new places, you can use Twitter as a tool to build your brand in the public consciousness. This can ultimately drive more traffic to your website and generate sales without aggressive sales tactics.

As well as broadcasting information, Twitter allows you to get invaluable feedback from the online community. It’s akin to an instant focus group, where you can ask questions or ask for opinions on practically anything. Both customers and employees can let you know what they think of a certain product, idea, or strategy. You can even gain valuable information about what people think about your competitors. At any time of the day or night, all over the world, people can respond to your questions. Where else could you find such illuminating, truthful insights into your products or services? With this sort of information at your fingertips, you have a great opportunity to brainstorm and improve upon aspects of your business such as product lines and customer support. It’s promotional and productive at the same time.

One of the most attractive reasons for using Twitter is its networking capability. Without too much effort, you can reach out to other professionals, locally and throughout the world. After being on Twitter for a short time, your name and business can be seen by other suppliers, retailers, marketing firms, industry experts, and other valuable people in the business community. This can ultimately lead to new contacts and relationships which will ultimately help the growth of your business.

As long as you use Twitter sensibly, it’s an acceptable place to promote your business. However, there are certain unwritten rules that you should follow to remain a reputable company. Posting links to your business website or blog gives people the opportunity to find out more, but don’t overdo it. It’s important to remember that Twitter is fundamentally a community website – it’s not a space to post ads. Inevitably, some people do take an aggressive approach to promotion, but a more subtle approach is required if you really want to build trust with your followers. Few people will respect your business if you are constantly trying to sell them something. You’re more likely to achieve positive results by using Twitter as a long-term marketing strategy, not just a quick promotional tool.

Twitter can be an effective marketing and SEO tool, but only as part of your overall campaign. With many businesses joining its community every day, why not be a part of this stimulating and constructive online community? Just remember to post interesting and relevant information, interact with others, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. With millions of potential customers, Twitter has given businesses a golden opportunity for rejuvenation and growth.

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